The Story of friendship between Monkey and a traitor Crocodile

The Story of between Monkey and a traitor Crocodile

The Story of friendship between Monkey and a traitor Crocodile
Once upon a time, there was a monkey who lived happily on a tree by the river. He would enjoy the sweet fruits from the tree and live a peaceful life. The monkey had no worries and was always healthy.

One day, a crocodile came to the river bank in search of food. When the monkey saw the crocodile, he curiously asked, Who are you brother? Where do you live?

The crocodile replied, I am a crocodile, and my home is on the other side of the river. The monkey, while munching on a fruit, asked, Do you eat fruits too?

The monkey dropped a few fruits for the crocodile, who happily devoured them and exclaimed, Wow These fruits are incredibly sweet, the monkey asked, Would you like more?

The crocodile eagerly replied, If you give me more, why wouldn't I eat them?

The monkey dropped more fruits, and the crocodile continued to enjoy them, saying, Do you eat such delicious fruits every day?

The monkey answered, Yes, brother, fruits are my daily food. I eat them every day.

Curious, the crocodile asked, If I come tomorrow, will you feed me fruits again?

The monkey kindly replied, Of course, why wouldn't I?

And so, the crocodile returned the next day, and the monkey fed him fruits once more. This became a daily routine, and their friendship grew. They would engage in friendly conversations during these visits.

One day, the monkey casually asked the crocodile, Brother, are you lonely like me? I have no companions.

The crocodile Said, No, Friend, I am not alone. I have a wife at my home.

Surprised, the monkey said, Why didn't you mention this earlier? I would have given fruits for your wife as well. Today, let's take some fruits for her too.

The monkey plucked more fruits and dropped them into the crocodile's mouth. The crocodile happily brought the fruits to his wife who enjoyed their sweetness and inquired, Where did you get these delicious fruits?

The crocodile replied, A monkey lives on the riverbank. He is my friend and gives me these fruits.He feeds me fruits every day.

The crocodile wife was pleased with this arrangement, but she didn't appreciate the friendship between her husband and the monkey. She believed that a friendship between a tree-dwelling monkey and a water-dwelling crocodile was unnatural and potentially dangerous.She decided to plot and kill the monkey, not only to stop the friendship but also to savor its sweet flesh.

The crocodile's wife pretended to fall ill and claimed that only a monkey liver could cure her. She urged her husband to bring her a monkey's liver to save her life. The crocodile hesitated, realizing that killing his friend was cruel. However, his wife insisted, claiming her life was at stake.

Reluctantly, the crocodile approached the monkey with a heavy heart. When he reached the monkey, the crocodile hesitated, unable to bring himself to harm his friend. The monkey noticed the crocodile's hesitation and asked him what was troubling him.

The crocodile explained his wife's illness and her demand for a monkey's liver. The monkey was astonished and replied, "What are you saying? The friend who shares sweet fruits with both of us, you want to kill him and take his liver?"

The crocodile wife persisted, saying that without the monkey liver, she would die. Although deeply saddened, the crocodile thoughtlessly agreed to fulfill his wife's wish, seeing no other solution.

The monkey, clever and quick-witted, said, If you truly need my heart to save your wife, we should return to the tree. Because left my heart on the tree.

Blinded by foolishness, the crocodile believed the monkey words. He carried the monkey on his back, determined to bring him back to the tree. However, as they reached the middle of the river, the monkey revealed his true intentions.

Chuckling from the safety of a branch, the monkey exclaimed, You foolish crocodile You are unfit for friendship. You are a traitor and a fool. How can one heart be separate from their body. I deceived you and turned the tables. My heart was always inside me. I lied to you to save my life. Return home and never come near me again.

The remorseful crocodile swam back to his home, regretting his selfishness and deceit. This tale teaches us that deceiving others leads to regret and consequences. Wise individuals may easily ensnare fools, but those who harm others for their own gain will ultimately face their own downfall.

The crocodile returned home with a heavy heart, regretting his actions and feeling the weight of his foolishness. He realized the consequences of his greed and deceitfulness. From that day forward, he deeply regretted his actions and understood the importance of true friendship.

Meanwhile, the monkey continued to live happily on his tree, surrounded by the sweet fruits he loved. He remained cautious of forming friendships with those who might have ulterior motives. He learned a valuable lesson about trust and the importance of choosing friends wisely.

As time passed, the monkey encountered other animals who wished to befriend him, but he always exercised caution and used his intelligence to assess their intentions. He no longer fell for deceitful acts and valued sincerity and honesty in his friendships.

The story of the foolish crocodile and the clever monkey spread throughout the animal kingdom, serving as a cautionary tale about the consequences of deception and the importance of true friendship. Animals from far and wide learned from the crocodile's mistake and understood the value of trust and loyalty.

The monkey wise actions and quick thinking served as an example to all, encouraging animals to approach friendships with care and discernment. The tale became a reminder that it is easy to deceive a fool, but true friendships are built on trust, honesty, and mutual respect.

And so, the monkey continued to live a blissful life, surrounded by genuine friends who appreciated his kind and wise nature. The foolish crocodile, on the other hand,spent the rest of his days repenting for his actions and striving to be a better creature.

The moral of the story remained etched in the hearts and minds of all who heard it. Deceiving others may seem advantageous in the short term, but it ultimately leads to regret and loss. True wisdom lies in fostering genuine friendships and treating others with kindness and respect.

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